Search Results for: energy density

Pump costs: energy economics of electric pumps?

As pump power increases, pump costs per kWh decrease. The most significant reduction is in pump maintenance costs, while the total cost of electricity remains constant.

…down the capex costs of pumps, other pump opex, pump energy consumption and the efficiency of pumps from first principles. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart This data-file captures the energy

Thunder Said Energy Written Subscription

This purchase will enable your email account for the Thunder Said Energy written subscription. This gives you access to all our written content, for one calendar year, covering opportunities and…

Portfolio Construction for Energy Majors?

Energy Major Portfolio Shift to Renewables

This data-model calculates risk-adjusted returns available for different portfolio weightings in the energy sector, as companies diversify across upstream, downstream, chemicals, corporate, renewables and CCS investments. The methodology is a…

Ten Themes for Energy in 2020

Ten Themes for Energy in 2020

Energy transition is maturing as an investment theme. ‘Obvious’ portfolio tilts are beginning to look over-crowded. Non-obvious ones are looking over-looked. This note outlines the ‘top ten’ themes that excite…

Desalination by reverse osmosis: the economics?

Costs and economics of desalination via reverse osmosis

35bn tons of desalinated water are produced each year, absorbing 250 TWH of energy, or 0.4% of total global energy consumption. These numbers will likely rise, due to demographic trends,…

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