Solar volatility: interconnectors versus batteries?

Interconnectors cure renewables volatility

…economically smooth them. Solar heavy grids may thus become prone to unbearable volatility. Our 17-page note outlines this important challenge, and finds that the best solutions are to construct high-voltage…

Global oil production by country?

Global oil production by country over time in Mbpd, correlates heavily with Brent crude oil prices in $/bbl

…Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, the US, Canada and Russia very clearly adapt their growth/output to market pricing signals, which actually dampens down supply volatility. Countries with the highest volatility in their…

Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

…in the global energy industry, due to the inherent volatility of solar and wind. Rising volatility increases the value of midstream infrastructure, which by definition, can arbitrage the volatility by…

Coal-to-gas switching: what CO2 abatement cost?

Coal-to-gas switching

…with gas would have required the equivalent of 40MTpa of LNG imports, over 10% of overnight tightening in global LNG market. Philosophical problem #1: historical volatility? Commodity prices volatility raises…

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