Search Results for: shortage crisis

Coal-to-gas switching: what CO2 abatement cost?

Coal-to-gas switching

shortage of gas, adds cost. For electricity generation our base case assumptions is that the average modern gas turbine will achieve 57% electrical conversion efficiency, while the average modern coal-fired…

COVID-19 Impacts on Global Oil Demand?

covid 19 impact on global oil demand

…developing world, as a function of some simplifying assumptions: GDP declines, flight cancellations, travel reductions and the pace of the crisis’s resolution. Please note this model has been superceded by our…

Energy history: how much wood can be cut in a day?

How much wood can be cut in a day

…increasingly doing more work on sustainable forestry and screening nature-based CO2 removal projects. Energy crisis: stocking up on heating fuel? Somewhere in between the productivity of a medieval peasant and…

Nitric acid: production costs?

Nitric acid production costs

…(further details in the notes tab). Unfortunately, this means nitric acid prices will spike to $600/ton in a gas crisis or times of severe gas shortages. CO2 intensity is estimated…

The structural ascent of online retail?

ascent of online retail

Online retail could structurally accelerate by c9% due to the COVID-19 crisis, as is projected in this model. A full breakdown of inputs and underlying data are included. Individuals that…

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