Search Results for: "power electronics" switchgear filters capacitors

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…natural gas, after generating renewable electricity, electrolysing water into hydrogen and storing the hydrogen. Levelized costs of electricity then reach 60-80c/kWh, for generating clean electricity in a fuel cell power

CCS: amine degradation rates?

amine make-up rates

…as catalysts, especially metals. Sulphur impurities produce heat stable salts. Evaporative losses correlate with temperature. Operating power plants at partial loads or as peakers can also increase evaporative emissions. Some…

Offshore vessels: fuel consumption?

…vessels are also used in offshore wind and more broadly amidst the expansion of power grids and HVDC interconnectors. We think a typical cable lay vesel will consume 150bpd of…

Post-combustion CCS: what energy penalties?

CCS energy penalties

A thermal power plant converts 35-45% of the chemical energy in coal, biomass or pellets into electrical energy. So what happens to the other 55-65%? Accessing this waste heat can…

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