Search Results for: "gas turbine" "gas turbines"

Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?

Energy needed to heat materials

…underpins combined cycle gas turbines, combined heat and power, EGRs, and even next generation combustion technologies based around super-critical CO2, and next-generation nuclear using molten sodium or salt. Further data…

Semiconductors: outlook in energy transition?

…will underpin 1,000 TWH of internet energy consumption, in turn boosting demand for gas, gas pipelines, gas turbines, uranium, industrial cooling equipment, fiber optics, and unlocking transformative new technologies including…

Topsoe: autothermal reforming technology?

Topsoe autothermal reforming

…compare this with the heating-melting temperatures of materials, maximum temperatures of structural materials, typical combustion temperatures, typical refinery processes and the hottest gas turbines. These high temperatures cause unavoidable volatilization…

Power plants: cold starts and ramp rates?

ramp-up rates of power sources

…percent per minute, or MW per minute). Hydro power and simple cycle gas turbines offer the best short-term performance, ramping immediately and rapidly. Next come combined cycle gas plants, then…

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