Search Results for: "blue hydrogen"

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

…LNG, including via CCS, blue hydrogen and nature-based CO2 removals. Download the model and you can quickly compute the CO2 intensity of natural gas, including the emissions profiles of other resources….

CO2 intensity of shale: breakdown by category?

CO2 emissions from Permian shale production

…total Scope 1&2 emissions. This is why there is such importance on improving gas utilization (e.g., from booming blue hydrogen value chains) and preventing methane leaks. For a comparison with…

Cryogenic air separation: costs and energy economics?

blue hydrogen. Good base cases are $100/ton oxygen, $20/ton nitrogen, $200/Tpa capex and 60kWh/ton of electricity (on an input air basis). $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Cryogenic air separation was…

CO2 capture: a cost curve?

CO2 capture cost curve

…that are simply being vented at present, such as from the ethanol or LNG industries, but the ultimate running-room from this opportunity set is <200MTpa. Blue hydrogen, steel and cement…

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