Methane leaks: by gas source and use

…model has power rising from c40% to c50% of the US gas market by 2030, compensated by lower use in residential heat.…

Development Concepts: how much CO2?

CO2 intensity of steel and concrete

…used in their topsides, jackets, hulls, wells, SURF and pipelines.  Included are the world’s largest FPSOs, platforms and floating structures; as well as new resources in shale, deepwater-GoM, Guyana, pre-salt…

Labor intensity of different energy sources?

Labor intensity of different energy sources

…12,000 workers at peak, while constructing Heathrow Terminal 5 used 8,000 workers at peak. Similar numbers can be calcualted for LNG projects, large-scale wind, solar, pipelines, CCS and mining projects….

Hydrogen: lost in transportation?

costs of hydrogen transportation

pipelines and chemical hydrogen carriers (e.g., ammonia). Midstream costs will be 2-10x higher than comparable gas value chains, while up to 50% of hydrogen’s embedded energy may be lost in…

Sabatier process: synthetic natural gas costs?

Synthetic natural gas costs

…energy penalties exceed 75% and CO2 abatement cost is $2,000/ton? $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Synthetic natural gas could be a green hydrogen carrier in the vicinity of gas pipelines

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