Fuel retail: economics of a petrol station?

Economics of fuel retail

…compares the economics of EV charging stations with conventional fuel retail stations. They are fundamentally different. Our main question is whether EV chargers will ultimately get over-built, as retailers look…

Redox flow batteries: costs and capex?

…would need to earn a storage spread of 20c/kWh to earn a 10% return with daily charging and discharging over a 30-year period of backstopping renewables. Past redox flow projects…

Energy transition from first principles?

…energy transition from first principles… Energy theory from first principles: energy units, thermo-dynamics, electricity, electrochemistry, magnets and motors and semiconductors. https://thundersaidenergy.com/2022/08/25/energy-units-life-the-universe-and-everything/ Decarbonization technologies from first principles: renewables, batteries, EVs, EV charging, lithium…

Generac: power generation products?

Cost per kW of Generac product suite as a function of the generators' capacities. Different fuel types are in different colours.

…10% other. 80% was domestic within the US, and 20% was international. 12% is attributed to ‘energy technologies’ which includes storage, solar MLPE, EV charging, smart thermostats, electrification, etc. But…

Subsea Robots: the next generation?

Subsea Robots

…solutions could be very material for offshore economics, improving oilfield decline rates and maintenance costs. Innovations include: Residing subsea for c1-year at a time, by re-charging in subsea “docking” stations….

Shipping in batteries: the economics?

the economics of shipping batteries

What if it were possible to displace diesel from high-cost, high-carbon “island” electricity grids, by charging up large batteries with gas- and renewable power, then shipping the batteries? This model…

Combined heat and power: the economics?

IRR economics of combined heat and power $

…economics are strong, especially for larger units and for fast-charging of electric vehicles. $799.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart CO2 emissions can also be reduced by 5-30%compared to purchasing power from…

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