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Energy transition from first principles?

Our top three questions in the energy transition are depicted above. Hence we have become somewhat obsessed with analyzing the energy transition from first principles, to help our clients understand the global energy system, understand new energy technologies and understand key industries. 

Our research notes aim to make smart decision-makers even smarter, covering the key concepts and numbers, while being clear and concise, and dissecting the energy transition from first principles…

Energy theory from first principles: energy units, thermo-dynamics, electricity, electrochemistry, magnets and motors and semiconductors.

Decarbonization technologiesย from first principles: renewables, batteries, EVs, EV charging, lithium batteries, flow batteries, thermal batteries, SSBs, heat pumps, fusion, geothermal, CCS, DAC, blue hydrogen, green hydrogen, electrofuels, biofuels, landfill gas, biomass, biochar, nature.

Energy efficiency technologies from first principles: EROEI, electric vehiclesLED lighting, VFDs, CHPs, insulation, methane mitigation.

Energetic industries from first principles: the internetindustrial gases, hydrogen, ammonia, steel, battery recycling, trucks, transport, compressors.

The new age of electricity from first principles: transmission, transformers, transistors, harmonic filters, capacitors, reactive power.

The new age of volatility due to renewables, geopolitics, politics, policies.

Latest views on global energysolar innovationwind recalibration, nuclear, grid bottlenecks, shale and how AI is going to save the world.

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Energy Units — An Overview

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