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Search results for: “LNG”

  • Boltzmann energy overview?

    Boltzmann energy overview?

    The Boltzmann constant, denoted as kB, or 1.381 x 10^-23 J/K, is the most important number in thermodynamics. It denotes the rate at which a single particle will gain thermal energy (in Joules) as its absolute temperature rises (in Kelvin). It underpins the Boltzmann distribution and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, which matter in modelling gases, energy…

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  • Gas dehydration: costs and economics?

    Gas dehydration: costs and economics?

    Gas dehydration costs might run to $0.02/mcf, with an energy penalty of 0.03%, to remove around 90% of the water from a wellhead gas stream using a TEG absorption unit, and satisfy downstream requirements for 4-7lb/mmcf maximum water content. This data-file captures the economics of gas dehydration, to earn a 10% IRR off $25,000/mmcfd capex.

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  • India: electricity demand and power grid over time?

    India: electricity demand and power grid over time?

    India’s electricity demand is growing by 6-8% (+100-140 TWH) per year, but 75% of the total still comes from coal, which has itself grown at a 5% CAGR over the past half-decade. Wind and solar would need to grow 4x faster than 2023 levels for thermal generation just to flatline. What implications and opportunities for…

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  • Global energy demand by end use?

    Global energy demand by end use?

    This data-file is a breakdown of global energy demand by end use, drawing across our entire research library, to disaggregate the global energy system across almost 50 applications, across transportation, heat, electricity, materials and manufacturing. Numbers, calculations, efficiencies and heating temperatures are in the data-file.

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  • Offshore oilfields: development capex over time in Norway?

    Offshore oilfields: development capex over time in Norway?

    Across 130 offshore oil fields in Norway, going back ato 1975, real development capex per flowing barrel of production has averaged $33M/kboed. Average costs have been 2x higher when building during a boom, when one-third of projects blew out to around $100M/kboed or higher. The data support countercyclical investment strategies in energy.

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  • Energy security: right to self-determine?

    Energy security: right to self-determine?

    The average major economy produces 70% of its own energy and imports the other 30%. This 12-page note explores energy self-sufficiency by country. We draw three key conclusions: into US isolationism; Europeโ€™s survival; and the pace of EV adoption, both in China and in LNG-importing nations.

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  • Air Products: ammonia cracking technology?

    Air Products: ammonia cracking technology?

    Can we de-risk Air Products’s ammonia cracking technology in our roadmaps to net zero, which is crucial to recovering green hydrogen in regions that import green ammonia from projects such as Saudi Arabia’s NEOM. We find strong IP in Air Products’s patents. However, we still see 15-35% energy penalties and $2-3/kg of costs in ammonia…

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  • China coal production costs?

    China coal production costs?

    China coal production costs are estimated on a full-cycle basis in this data-file, averaging $75/ton across large listed miners, with assets in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi. The costs are increasing at $1.3/ton/year, as mines move deeper and into smaller seams. Smaller regional have 1.5-2x higher costs again, and will hit LNG price parity around…

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  • Material and manufacturing costs by region: China vs US vs Europe?

    Material and manufacturing costs by region: China vs US vs Europe?

    Material and manufacturing costs by region are compared in this data-file for China vs the US vs Europe. Generally, compared with the US, materials costs are 10% lower in China, and 40% higher in Germany, although it depends upon the specific value chain. A dozen different examples are contrasted in this data-file, especially for solar…

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  • Load bearing: will solar+gas be cheaper than gas alone?

    Load bearing: will solar+gas be cheaper than gas alone?

    The costs to power a real-world load โ€“ e.g., a data center โ€“ with solar+gas will very often be more expensive than via a standalone gas CCGT in the US today. But not internationally? Or in the future? This 9-page note shows how solar deflation and load shifting can boost solar to >40% of future…

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