Green hydrogen trucks: delivery costs?
…the relative costs of hydrogen, LNG, CNG, LPG, and diesel; in Europe, in the US, with varying CO2 prices and in the 2040s. Niche adoption of hydrogen is possible in…
…the relative costs of hydrogen, LNG, CNG, LPG, and diesel; in Europe, in the US, with varying CO2 prices and in the 2040s. Niche adoption of hydrogen is possible in…
…lines are budgeted at 50% below recent comparison-points to match this guidance. Our sense is that a comparably complex LNG project might warrant a 20% hurdle rate. Thus to be…
…while removing all of the CO2. The framework joins up with our models of supply-demand models of global energy, oil, LNG, European gas, the total US economy and the climate…
…possibly also higher CO2 intensities, unless they are combined with CCS. Three stand-out opportunities in the energy transition, in our view, are switching coal to gas and LNG, later switching…
…construction, LNG or forestry activities, in order to survey activity and identify issues. Many of these drones are electricity and are inherently easier to decarbonize than combustion-powered transportation. When using…
…our ‘roadmap to net zero’, with stark upside as a diversification to under-supplied LNG markets, if China exports its technology and as new start-ups require inventory builds (pages 10-13). Impacts…
…that are simply being vented at present, such as from the ethanol or LNG industries, but the ultimate running-room from this opportunity set is <200MTpa. Blue hydrogen, steel and cement…
…may be superior to ‘phasing out gas’ and dealing with the issues noted above. Our research below explores a selection of these different themes……
…will be five investable consequences of these escalating border taxes, which we spell out on pages 8-15. They could be extremely constructive for the gas/LNG industry, pre-existing renewables assets, and…
…natural gas CCGTs, and how they might dovetail together, to meet the load requirements of different industrial facilities, ranging from data centers to e-LNG plants. The first three tabs of…