Search Results for: direct air capture

One hundred years of carbon offsetting?

CO2 uptake per century

…exciting evidence that CO2 markets could incentivize farmers to change their practices (note below). Carbon capture and storage technologies, including direct air capture, are next on our list and…

US hydrogen production: by facility and by company?

US hydrogen production

…dominate the mix, with around 45% of total US hydrogen production, and c65% of total merchant hydrogen production. Similarly, three industrial gas giants, Air Products, Linde and Air Liquide dominate…

Flare gas capture: the economics?

flare gas capture

c150bcm of gas was flared globally in 2019, including 15bcm in the United States, which emitted 30MT of CO2-equivalents. This data-file simplifies the economics of flare gas capture, by gathering…

Carbon Capture Costs at Refineries?

Carbon Capture Costs at Refineries

This model calculates the costs of post-combustion carbon capture at a world-scale refinery, using today’s commercially available CCS technologies. The aim is to see whether the process could be economically…

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