Search Results for: hydrogen economics

Sitka spruce: our top ten facts?

sitka spruce benefits

…(including land purchase costs) from $40/ton CO2 pricing to around $25-30/ton CO2 pricing, while also lowering land requirements, which also matters for CO2 removals (notes and models below).…

Electric vehicles: chargers of the light brigade?

economics of EV charging stations

This 14-page note compares the economics of EV charging stations with conventional fuel retail stations. They are fundamentally different. Our main question is whether EV chargers will ultimately get over-built,…

California curtailment: key numbers from 2021?

California wind and solar curtailment

…0.9% of the solar generation was curtailed. The uneven distribution is somewhat unhelpful for the economics of grid-scale batteries. We estimate that 10% of the curtailment could be avoided by…

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