This data-file tracks over 6,000 patents filed into battery recycling technology, focusing in on 1,800+ post-2010, Western-filed patents. This matters as annual battery disposal requirements will ramp up to over 250kTpa…
This data-file models the costs of a nuclear power project, based on technical papers and past projects around the industry. An up-front capex cost of $6,000/kW might yield a levelized…
Our aim of this model is to capture the economics of different green diesel plants: specifically, converting waste oils into renewable diesel via hydro-processing; and converting biologically derived oils into bio-diesel…
This data-file aggregates 20 different TSE patent screens, to assess the pace of progress in different energy technologies. Our short, 3-page summary note on the findings is linked here. $499.00 – Purchase…
This data-file screens for the ‘top twenty’ technology leaders in super-capacitors, by assessing c2,000 Western patents filed since 2013. Each company’s recent progress is summarized, while the full patent database…
We have tabulated 18,600 patents into hydrogen vehicles and vehicle fuelling stations, then cleaned the data to identify technology leaders. $699.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Included are large auto-makers, industrial…
This data-file tabulates the ‘decline rates’ of 3,200 US solar power plants, which have reported data to the US EIA, using in-house web-scraping and aggregation software. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…
This data-file ranks the greatest challenges for the floating offshore wind industry, by reviewing 50 recent patents, filed by leading companies. These challenges are relatively immutable, and will likely double…
Solar panel costs have been deflating at a rate of c20% per annum as the industry scales up into manufacturing mode. The IEA recently stated solar could thus provide the…
This model captures the costs of biomass power, from wood pellets to BECCS. A levelized cost of 13c/kWh is necessary for a new 100MW plant, with capex costs of $1,700/kW…