Wind power energy paybacks? This data-file estimates 3MWH of energy is consumed in manufacturing and installing 1kW of offshore wind turbines, the energy payback time is usually around 1-year, and…
ESS was established in 2011, incorporated in Oregon, and has c150 employees. The company went public in October-2021, via SPAC, raising $500M in new funds, valued at $1.1bn, and listing…
This data-file tabulates details for 20 wind turbine resin companies, i.e., specialty chemicals companies that make epoxy- or polyurethane resins and adhesives, especially those that feed into the construction of…
Energy return on energy invested is a horrible metric: calculated differently in almost every study on the topic, and fairly difficult to delimit conceptually. Despite this, we have made an…
Energy development times average c4-years for solar projects, 6-years for wind, 7-years for oil, gas, pipelines, LNG, 13-years for nuclear, while infrastructure such as gas pipelines and power transmission lines…
First Solar is a solar module manufacturer, listed in the US, founded in 1999, employing 6,400 people. It has capacity to manufacture 8GW of solar panels per year, using CdTe…
Nexwafe technology review. Nexwafe is developing a next-generation PV silicon technology called the EpiWafer process, growing standalone silicon wafers onto mono-crystalline seed wafers, with no need to slice ingots and…
This data-file quantifies solar trackers’ efficiency improvements. Depending on location, 40-90% of new utility-scale solar plants are being fitted with ‘trackers’ in the early-2020s; constantly re-positioning panels to face the…
Reaching net zero requires building wind, solar, grid infrastructure, energy storage, electric vehicles and capturing CO2. Energy is needed to build all of these things. The total energy costs of…
MOSFETs are fast-acting digital switches, used to transform electricity, across new energies and digital devices. MOSFET power losses are built up from first principles in this data-file, averaging 2% per…