Search results for: “semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC”
Adiabatic flame temperature: hydrogen, methane and oil products?
At an idealized, 100% stoichiometric ratio, the adiabatic flame temperature for natural gas is 1,960ยบC, hydrogen burns 300ยบC hotter at 2,250ยบC and oil products burn somewhere in between, at around 2,150ยบC. The calculations show why hydrogen cannot always be dropped into an existing turbine or heat engine.
Silica producers: screen of leading companies?
Highly pure silica sand, with well over 95% SiO2 content and less than 0.6% iron oxide, is an important resource used in making glass, metal foundries, “proppant” for hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas industry and making high-grade silicon (for chips and PV silicon). The market is 350MTpa. This data-file is a screen of…
Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?
How do we quantify the minimum energy needed to heat materials and melt materials? This data-file calculates values, in kWh/ton, from first principles, based on target temperatures, specific heat capacities and latent heat capacities. A good rule of thumb is 25 kWh of useful energy to heat each ton of material by each 100ยบC.
Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?
Demand shifting flexes electrical loads in a power grid, to smooth volatility and absorb more renewables. This database scores technical potential and economical potential of different electricity-consuming processes to shift demand, across materials, manufacturing, industrial heat, transportation, utilities, residential HVAC and commercial loads.
Market concentration by industry in the energy transition?
What is the market concentration by industry in energy, mining, materials, semiconductors, capital goods and other sectors that matter in the energy transition? The top five firms tend to control 45% of their respective markets, yielding a โHerfindahl Hirschman Indexโ (HHI) of 700.
Boltzmann energy overview?
The Boltzmann constant, denoted as kB, or 1.381 x 10^-23 J/K, is the most important number in thermodynamics. It denotes the rate at which a single particle will gain thermal energy (in Joules) as its absolute temperature rises (in Kelvin). It underpins the Boltzmann distribution and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, which matter in modelling gases, energy…
Seebeck Effect: are thermoelectrics the next solar?
Solar semiconductors have changed the world, converting light into clean electricity. Hence can thermoelectric semiconductors follow the same path, converting heat into electricity with no moving parts? This 14-page report reviews the opportunity, challenges, efficiency, costs and companies.
Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?
Hydrogen peroxide production costs run at $1,000/Tpa, to generate a 10% IRR at a greenfield production facility, with c$2,000/Tpa capex costs. Today’s market is 5MTpa, worth c$5bn pa. CO2 intensity runs to 3 kg of CO2 per kg of H2O2. But lower-carbon hydrogen could be transformational for clean chemicals?
First Solar: thin film solar breakthrough?
First Solar is a solar manufacturer with capacity to produce 8GW of solar panels per year, using CdTe thin film technology. It has production in the US and uses 60% less energy than photovoltaic silicon. Efficiency is interesting. It is usually lower for CdTe than c-Si, but 70% of First Solar’s patents target improvements.
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