Search Results for: small scale LNG

CO2 capture: a cost curve?

CO2 capture cost curve

…that are simply being vented at present, such as from the ethanol or LNG industries, but the ultimate running-room from this opportunity set is <200MTpa. Blue hydrogen, steel and cement…

European shale: an overview?

Overview of European shale

…so short of energy that we may need to scale our industry back at a time when we would rather be re-shoring strategic supply chains). While Europe is  now trying…

Offshore vessels: fuel consumption?

…industries. Offshore construction vessels are especially used in the offshore wind industry, where installation costs for a large-scale wind project will average aroud $1,000/kW spread across 60-100 vessels during peak…

Aluminium producers: company screen?

Leading Aluminium producers

Leading aluminium producers are reviewed in this data-file, across ten companies, producing half of the world’s global output, two-thirds of its non-China output. Scale ranges 1MTpa to 7MTpa. CO2 intensity…

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