Search Results for: small scale LNG

Decarbonize shipping: alternative fuel costs?

Cost of shipping as a percent of final product costs for different ship fuels and their CO2 intensities. Green fuels can be low-carbon, but expensive

…that is shipped. Alternative shipping fuels add 0.1 – 3.3% to this baseline cost. LNG is most competitive, adding just c10% to total shipping costs in LNG-fueled ships – possibly…

Methane leaks: by gas source and use

…of 0.8-1.2%, as there is more small-scale distribution, and smaller residential consumers are not always as discerning about conducting regular maintenance or checking for leaks. 0.8-1.2% methane leakage is equivalent…

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…to produce small-scale feedstock on site via electrolysis for select industries. Some see green hydrogen becoming widespread in the future energy system. We think there may be options elsewhere, to…

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