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Search results for: “small scale LNG”

  • Renewables plus batteries: co-deployments over time?

    Renewables plus batteries: co-deployments over time?

    More and more renewables plus batteries projects are being developed as grids face bottlenecks? On average, projects in 2022-24 supplemented each MW of renewables capacity with 0.5MW of battery capacity, which in turn offered 3.5 hours of energy storage per MW of battery capacity, for 1.7 MWH of energy storage per MW of renewables.

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  • Drone deployment: vertical take-off?

    Drone deployment: vertical take-off?

    Drones cost just $1k-100k each. They may use 95-99% less energy than traditional vehicles. Their ascent is being helped by battery technology and AI. Hence this 14-page report reviews recent progress from 40 leading drone companies. What stood out most was a re-shaping of the defense industry, plus helpful deflation across power grids, renewables, agriculture,…

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  • Gas turbines and CHP: technology leaders?

    Gas turbines and CHP: technology leaders?

    This data-file profiles 30 leading companies in gas turbines and CHPs, from mega-caps such as GE, Siemens and Mitsubishi, down to small-caps and private companies with exciting new technologies. Case studies are also presented, with details on turbine installations.

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  • Global Flaring Intensity by Country

    Global Flaring Intensity by Country

    This data-file tabulates global flaring intensity in 16 countries: in absolute terms (bcm per year), per barrel of oil production (mcf/bbl) and as a contribution to CO2 emissions (kg/boe). 2021 saw 144bcm of global flaring, averaging 0.2 mcf/bbl and 10 kg/boe of direct emissions. Lower decile countries flared 0.7 mcf/bbl, which is over 40 kg/boe.

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  • Coal-to-gas switching: what CO2 abatement cost?

    Coal-to-gas switching: what CO2 abatement cost?

    Coal-to-gas switching halves the CO2 emissions per unit of primary energy. This data-file estimates the CO2 abatement costs. Gas is often more expensive than coal. But as a rule of thumb, a $30-60/ton CO2 price makes $6-8/mcf gas competitive with $60-80/ton coal. CO2 abatement costs are materially lower in the US and after reflecting efficiency.…

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  • Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

    Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

    The midstream industry moves molecules, especially energy-molecules, and especially in pipelines. Despite the mega-trend of electrification, there are still strong midstream opportunities in the energy transition, backstopping volatility and moving new molecules. This short note captures our top ten conclusions. (1) Our overall outlook on the US midstream industry sees the total tonnage of molecules…

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  • Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    This data-file is an overview of wind power physics. Specifically, how is the power of a wind turbine calculated, in MW, as a function of wind speed, blade length, blade number, rotational speed (in RPM) and other efficiency factors (lambda). A large, modern offshore wind turbine will have 100m blades and surpass 10MW power outputs.

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  • Flaring reduction: screen of service and equipment companies?

    Flaring reduction: screen of service and equipment companies?

    This data-file is a screen of companies that can reduce routine flaring and reduce the ESG impacts of unavoidable residual flaring. The landscape is broad, ranging from large, listed and diversified oil service companies with $30bn market cap to small private analytics companies with

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  • Stem: grid-scale battery breakthrough?

    Stem: grid-scale battery breakthrough?

    Stem Inc. went public via SPAC in April-2021, supporting grid-scale batteries with optimization software, which can lower energy bills by 10-30% in the energy transition. Its patents scored reasonably well on our usual framework. Managing short-term renewables volatility was a crucial focus.

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  • Kardashev scale: a futuristic future of energy?

    Kardashev scale: a futuristic future of energy?

    A Kardashev scale civilization uses all the energy it has available. Hence this 16-page report explores ten futuristic uses for global energy, which could absorb an additional 50,000 TWH pa by 2050 (60% upside), mainly from solar. And does this leap in human progress also allay climate concerns better than pre-existing roadmaps to net zero?

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