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Search results for: “volatility”

  • Energy transition: top commodities?

    Energy transition: top commodities?

    This data-file summarizes our latest thesis on ten commodities with upside in the energy transition. The average one will see demand rise by 3x and price/cost appreciate or re-inflate by 100%. The data-file contains a 6-10 line summary of our work into each commodity.

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  • US shale: outlook and forecasts?

    US shale: outlook and forecasts?

    This model sets out our US shale production forecasts by basin. It covers the Permian, Bakken and Eagle Ford, as a function of the rig count, drilling productivity, completion rates, well productivity and type curves. US shale likely adds +1Mbpd/year of production growth from 2023-2030, albeit flatlining in 2024, then re-accelerating on higher oil prices?

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  • Gas power: levelized costs of combined cycle gas turbines?

    Gas power: levelized costs of combined cycle gas turbines?

    Levelized costs of combined cycle gas turbines are built up in this data-file. Our base case costs of gas-fired power generation are 8c/kWh, at a combined cycle turbine converting 55% of the thermal energy of natural gas into electrical energy, for a total CO2 intensity of 0.35 kg/kWh.

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  • Scaling Up Renewables and Batteries

    Scaling Up Renewables and Batteries

    Renewables would cap out at 40-50% of inflexible electricity grids, based on Monte Carlo analysis of wind, solar and batteries. Beyond 50%, new renewables’ curtailment rates surpass 70%, trebling their marginal cost.ย Batteries also increase incentive prices by 5-25x. Natural gas and demand-shifting are the best backstops.

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  • Green hydrogen: the economics?

    Green hydrogen: the economics?

    We have modelled the economics of a green hydrogen project, electrolysing water using renewable energy. An H2 price of $8/kg ($60/mcfe) is required to earn a 10% return. Costs data are captured. The most challenging input variable is not capex cost or efficiency, but utilization rate, if the project is to be truly green.

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  • Levelized cost of electricity: stress-testing LCOE?

    Levelized cost of electricity: stress-testing LCOE?

    This data-file summarizes the levelized cost of electricity, across 35 different generation sources, covering 20 different data-fields for each source. Costs of generating electricity can vary from 2-200 c/kWh. The is more variability within categories than between them. Numbers can readily be stress-tested in the data-file.

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  • Desalination by reverse osmosis: the economics?

    Desalination by reverse osmosis: the economics?

    35bn tons of desalinated water are produced each year, absorbing 250 TWH of energy, or 0.4% of total global energy consumption. These numbers will likely rise, due to demographic trends, and due to climate change. Desalination costs average $1.0/m3, use 3.5kWh/m3 of electricity and can demand shift.

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  • Manufacturing utilization rates by industry?

    Manufacturing utilization rates by industry?

    This data-file tabulates the utilization rates of different industries over time, based on a variety of data sources. Manufacturing utilization rates ran at almost 80% prior to the COVID crisis, underpinning 11% of US GDP and 25% of US energy consumption. No manufacturing industry can realistically be profitable running at the c35% utilization rates of…

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  • Wind power: decline rates?

    Wind power: decline rates?

    This data-file aggregates wind generation by facility, across the US, at 1,400 wind farms, going back 20-years. Wind power decline rates average 1% per year, then possibly accelerate to 3-4% per year in years 10-20. However wind generation is also noisy, typically varying +/- 7% YoY. This matters for the economics and ultimate share of…

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  • Smart Energy: technology leaders?

    Smart Energy: technology leaders?

    Smart meters and smart devices are capable of transmitting and receiving real-time consumption data and instructions. This data-file tracks 40 leading companies, mostly at the venture and growth stages. They help lower demand, smooth grid volatility and encourage appliance upgrades.

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