Search Results for: zinc

Electrowinning: costs and energy economics?

Electrowinning costs and energy economics

…consumption of 2-3 MWH/ton. Although this will vary metal by metal. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Electrowinning is used to purify metals, such as zinc, copper, tin, nickel, cobalt, magnesium,…

Indium producers: companies and market outlook?

Indium producers

zinc refining. There are 35 indium production facilities in the world. But indium is rarely more than 2% of the total revenues of non-ferrous metals companies and gets produced on…

Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

…their ten-year averages in 2022, as internationally traded prices rose sharply for nickel, rose modestly for aluminium and zinc, and remained high for copper (chart below). Base metal prices by…

Silver and gold: the economics?

Cost of silver and gold production

…production, looking across over a dozen different input parameters, such as capex, opex, electricity prices, gas prices, diesel prices, zinc prices, sodium cyanide prices, other reagent prices and tax take….

How do commodities perform during recessions?

How do commodities perform in recessions?

…in recessions? Commodities assessed in the data-file include oil, natural gas, coal, corn, iron ore (precursor to steel), aluminium, copper, zinc, nickel, platinum, silver and gold. Recessions assessed in the…

Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

…Black 28, Polybutyl Terephthalate, Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Acrylonitrile, Polycarbonates, Polyimides, Polymers, Polyurethanes, Proprietary, PVC, Silica, Silicon, Silver, Sodium Oxide, Solder, Steel, Styrofoam, Synthetic Rubber, Tantalum, Tin, Titanium, Vinyl Silicone Oil, Zinc….

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