Search Results for: gas turbine

Landfill gas: the economics?

Costs of landfill gas production

…Raw and unprocessed landfill gas can be economical to commercialize at a cost of $2-4/mcfe. Capex, opex and other costs of landfill gas are built up in the data-file. $499.00 – Purchase…

Hot potassium carbonate CCS: energy economics?

Potassium carbonate CCS

…re-release pure CO2, forming a CCS process. Potassium carbonate has been used at over 600 hundred natural gas sweetening plants historically, removing small quantities of acid gases from pressurized gas

Gas treatment: an overview?

overview of gas treatment

The data-file gives an overview of different gas-sweetening and gas-processing operations, outlining the process, indicative costs, and drawbacks. We also note 20 companies with gas treatment technologies, although our list…

Power generation: asset lives?

Asset lives of different power generation sources.

Power generation asset lives average c70-years for large hydro, 55-years for new nuclear, 45-years for coal, 33-years for gas, 20-25 years for wind/solar and 15-years for batteries. This flows through…

US shale gas: the economics?

Economics of US Marcellus shale gas production

…US shale gas, in order to calculate the NPVs, IRRs and gas price breakevens of future drilling in major US shale basins (predominantly the Marcellus). Underlying the analysis is a…

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