Search Results for: heat

Energy economics: engineering wonders?

Energy economics

…longer be tempted to commit exergetic harakiri by converting ratable electricity into some fuel that you can then run through a heat engine. How does that work? Frankly, some…

Acetylene: production costs?

…IRR on a large production facility, and after reflecting capex costs, feedstock gas prices, heat, electricity, cryogenic oxygen, opex costs and CO2 prices. Production costs are most sensitive to input…

Gas fractionation: NGL economics?

Gas fractionation

…to ‘drop out’ all of the NGL fractions in a demethanizer (chart below). (For more details, we have written an overview of cryogenics) The NGLs may then be heat exchanged…

Boltzmann energy overview?

Cathode active materials

…chart below shows that chemical reactions proceed exponentially faster when temperatures are higher, which is why industrial heating is over 25% of all global energy use. Faster reactions will tend…

Gas dehydration: costs and economics?

Gas dehydration costs

…in an absorber unit. Then the water can be stripped from the TEG solution by heating to 200ºC in a reboiler unit. Many readers will note this is effectively the…

Harmonic filters: leading companies?

heat pumps, and inverter-based generation sources such as solar and wind. An introduction to power quality issues is presented in our overview of electricity. Active harmonic filters are the most…

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