Nature based solutions to climate change?

…forests sequester minimal amounts of CO2 as mature trees grow 40-50% more slowly and biomass decomposition matches new accumulation. CO2 is removed when land moves from ‘not forest’ to ‘forest’…

Bio-coke: energy economics?

Bio-coke energy economics

…petcoke in that it is derived from biomass, ideally waste biomass, which would otherwise have decomposed. This lowers emissions. $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Specifically, input materials are treated at…

Reforestation: costs of CO2 removals?

Reforestation costs

…of 20-200 years, but we have modelled a 50-year rotation in our base case. Biomass accumulation rates follow a sigmoid profile, and our base case is set at yield class…

Thermal power plant: loss attribution?

Power plant loss attribution

…catalytic reduction and dust removal via electrostatic precipitators. However, some thermal coal plants do not face exhaust gas regulations. Others face even more stringent regulations. Biomass fired power. We have…

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