Energy transition: active duty?

blue ammonia, blue steel, blue chemicals. This has come out of nowhere. We think active managers can add value by latching on to new themes quickly. (8) Bubble risks….

Blue ammonia: options strategy?

Blue ammonia

Blue ammonia can economically decarbonize the fertilizer industry, using low-cost natural gas; with options to decarbonize combustion fuels in the future. This report covers where we see the best opportunities,…

Blue steel: construction boom?

DRI+EAF steel

The DRI+EAF pathway already underpins 6% of global steel output, with 50% lower CO2 than blast furnaces. But could IRA incentives encourage another boom here? Blue hydrogen can reduce CO2…

Deep blue: cracking the code of carbon capture?

blue hydrogen carbon capture

Carbon capture is cursed by colossal costs at small scale. But blue hydrogen may be its saviour. Crucial economies of scale are guaranteed by deploying both technologies together. The combination…

European gas: anatomy of an energy crisis?

European gas demand across residential heat, commercial heat, electricity and a dozen industries.

…long-term, as the US can produce the same materials, at lower feedstock costs, while possibly also decarbonizing at source, via blue hydrogen value chains (examples below). The…

Bright green hydrogen from biomass gasification?

…should be -20 tons of CO2 per ton of hydrogen production. Biomass gasification adds to our list of hydrogen technologies, from black hydrogen, grey hydrogen, SMR blue hydrogen, ATR blue

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