Search Results for: industrial heat

Combined heat and power turbines: market sizing?

combined heat and power turbines

…possibly also biogas or hydrogen. Our build-up looks across five main categories: large power facilities, large industrial heating facilities, landfill gas, electric vehicle charging and smaller-scale commercial and multi-family usage….

Leading Companies Commercialising Heat Pumps?

leading heat pump companies

Heat pumps can halve the CO2 intensity of residential heating while also lowering costs by c10-35% in some cases. This all creates an exciting opportunity for heat pumps in the…

Decarbonize Heat?

decarbonize heat

…prices. Heat pumps can be cost-competitive, if powered from the grid, and our screen of leading heat pump companies is presented on page 6. Running heat pumps purely off of…

Industrial cooling: chillers and evaporators?

This data-file captures the costs of industrial cooling, especially liquid cooling using commercial HVAC equipment, across heat-exchangers, cooling tower evaporators and chillers. Our base case is that removing 100MW-th of…

Thermal power plant: loss attribution?

Power plant loss attribution

heat. The recapture of waste heat is the largest determinant of the efficiency of a thermal power plant. Our base case model assumes that 50% of the low-pressure steam heat

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