Search Results for: solar volatility

Energy infrastructure: labor intensity?

Peak workforce versus total capex for different classes of projects Note that the axes are logarithmic, so the variance is higher than it seems.

…the R-squared is only 33%. Project parameters have a large impact. Wind, solar and gas generation projects are logistically easiest. The average GW-scale project here has cost $1,160/kW and required…

Net zero Oil Majors: worth the cost?

Net zero Oil Majors

…of wind and solar projects (below). Thus a typical Oil Major can eliminate 35% of its Scope 1&2 CO2 emissions through funding efficiency technologies and renewables. The average cost…

US gas power: generation by facility over time?

…(unlike solar declines and wind declines), Conversely, the average annual output of typical US gas generation facilities is intentionally flexed by +/- 30% each year (inter-quartile range) depending on the…

Wooden wind turbines?

wooden wind turbines

…requires global wind and solar additions to treble from 160GW per year towards 500GW per year by mid-decade, so that renewables can reach 40-50% ultimate shares of power grids. The…

Energy economics: an overview?

…invested in wind and solar, in order to add the same amount of primary energy to the global energy system (chart below, note here). Economies of scale are visible in…

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