Solar volatility: second by second output data?

Second by second volatility of solar

…the power drops due to the sun setting. Then we aggregated all of the second-by-second volatility and power drops. The typical second-by-second volatility of solar power is surprisingly high, with…

Global electricity prices vs. CO2 intensities?

electricity prices vs CO2

This data-file compares electricity prices (in c/kWh) vs power grids’ CO2 intensities (in kg/kWh), country-by-country. Retail electricity prices average 11c/kWh globally, of which 50-60% is wholesale power generation, 25-35% is…

Diesel power generation: levelized costs?

Levelized costs of diesel power generation

…oil products to the facility. Levelized costs of diesel power generation can be stress-tested in this economic model. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart A diesel genset includes an engine, power

Power grids: down to the wire?

Power grid metals demand

…progress may lead to bottlenecks, then a boom? This 12-page note quantifies rising power grid metals demand, demand for circuit kilometers, and who benefits? $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Power

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