Search Results for: solar volatility

Diesel power generation: levelized costs?

Levelized costs of diesel power generation

…creates a rationale for expanding power grids and hybridizing diesel generation with solar and wind. Some sensitivities are that each $10/bbl on the oil price translates into a 2c/kWh variation…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…value chains that truly are CO2 intensive (i.e., emissions are above 20 tons/ton or even 100 tons/ton). This includes PV silicon and silver for solar panels; carbon fiber and rare…

Aluminium producers: company screen?

Leading Aluminium producers

…overhead transmission cables for power grids, for light-weighting vehicles to improve their fuel economy, for aircraft frames, for the frames of solar panels, and in the heat exchangers that enable…

Cryogenic air separation: company screen?

Industrial gas companies

…wind and solar value chains, blue hydrogen and Allam Cycle oxycombustion. Decarbonization ambitions of different industrial gas companies are also noted in the data-file. Some of this is achieved through…

Cement costs and energy economics?

Cement costs and energy economics

…for the energy transition. A wind turbine uses 67 tons of cement per MW. So too might foundations of utility scale solar, power transmission lines, or the “pads” used to…

Polyester: production process?

…are also broader than just clothing. Solar panels often use PET as an underlying layer of their backsheet. Uses of PET? Global production of PET stands at 80MTpa. 50MTpa is…

Air conditioning: energy consumption?

…There are also opportunities to lower the CO2 intensity of the power grid, by ramping solar, wind, hydro, nuclear. Please download the data-file to explore the air conditioning energy consumption….

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