Seaweed aquaculture: farming kelp and CO2?

Costs of seaweed aquaculture

This data-file captures the economics of ocean carbon sequestration using seaweeds and kelps, which tend to generate 20T of dry biomass per acre per year, of which c10% is naturally…

Gas-to-liquids: the economics?

the economics of gas-to-liquids

This data-file captures the economics of gas-to-liquids, including the formation of syngas in an auto-thermal reformer, then the subsequent upgrading into liquids via the Fischer-Tropsch reaction. Our base case is…

Power-to-liquids: the economics?

Power to liquids economic model

The data-file models the economics of converting renewable electricity (wind or solar) into low-carbon liquid fuels, by electrolysing water into hydrogen, electrolysing CO2 into CO, then re-combining the products into…

Aluminium production: energy economics?

Aluminium energy economics

This data-file captures the energy economics of aluminium production via the electrolysis of alumina, breaking down the costs line-by-line. The overall process is energy intensive, emitting 10kg of CO2 per…

Ethanol from corn: the economics?

Ethanol from corn economics

This data-file captures the economics of producing ethanol from corn in the United States,  based on technical papers and industry data-points. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Our base case calculations…

Ethanol-to-ethylene: the economics?

Bio-ethylene from dehydration of ethanol

This data-file captures the economics of producing bio-ethylene by dehydration of ethanol, backed up by half-a-dozen technical papers. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart We estimate an ethylene price of $1,600/Tpa…

Battery recycling: the economics?

battery recycling economics

This data-file models the economics of recycling spent lithium ion batteries, taking in waste cells at end-of-life, and recovering materials such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminium, lithium and steel….

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