Lost in the Forest?

co2 sequestered by forests

…and cools the planet. (4). Environmental question marks? Forests clearly sequester CO2, but the precise climate science is surprisingly complex. Leaves absorb more sunlight than other types of land cover,…

Global reforestation potential by country?

Reforestation potential by country

The purpose of this data-file is to estimate the ‘reforestation potential’ by country, across 170 countries globally, based on their climate, total area available, risk levels and economic costs. $499.00 – Purchase…

LNG liquefaction technologies: an overview?

LNG liquefaction technologies

…entering the plant, with 20kg/boe of Scope 1&2 CO2 intensity. The energy economics are broken down in the ‘thermodynamics’ tab, using a simple model (chart below). But how is this…

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