Subsea Robots: the next generation?

Subsea Robots

…solutions could be very material for offshore economics, improving oilfield decline rates and maintenance costs. Innovations include: Residing subsea for c1-year at a time, by re-charging in subsea “docking” stations….

Shipping in batteries: the economics?

the economics of shipping batteries

What if it were possible to displace diesel from high-cost, high-carbon “island” electricity grids, by charging up large batteries with gas- and renewable power, then shipping the batteries? This model…

Combined heat and power: the economics?

IRR economics of combined heat and power $

…economics are strong, especially for larger units and for fast-charging of electric vehicles. $799.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart CO2 emissions can also be reduced by 5-30%compared to purchasing power from…

Turbo-charge gas turbines: the economics?

costs of turbo-charge gas turbines

This data-file models the economics of turbo-charging gas turbines, which increases the mass flow of combustion air, in order to improve their power ratings c10-20%. This is especially important to…

Quantumscape: battery breakthrough?

quantumscape battery breakthrough

…3x faster charging, while also surviving hundreds of charge-discharge cycles without degradation. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The single largest patent challenge that QuantumScape was aiming to overcome was manufacturing…

Solid state batteries: will they change the world?

Quantumscape solid state battery costs

Solid state batteries promise 2x higher energy density than traditional lithium ion, with 3x faster charging and lower risk of fires. Thus they could re-shape global energy, especially heavy trucks….

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