Search Results for: LNG

Floating LNG: do the costs work?

Floating LNG

A 2.5MTpa Floating LNG vessel using the Golar/PRICO process would cost c$700/tpa, or $1.1/mcfe. A $2.5/mcf liquefaction-spread is therefore needed for a 10% return. The key economic risk is ‘uptime’….

LNG regasification: the economics?

LNG regasification facility costs

This data-file captures the economics for a typical LNG regas facility. We estimate that a fixed plant with 75-80% utilization requires a spread near to $0.8/mcf on its gas imports,…

Liquefied CO2 carriers: CO2 shipping costs?

costs of liquefied CO2 carriers

…Best placed to capture the opportunity are companies with existing experience in LNG, and LNG shipping. Economics of CO2 shipping in this data-file can also be compared with LNG shipping….

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

…as a function of eight input variables: such as production techniques, methane leakage, sour gas processing, LNG liquefaction, LNG tanker distances and pipeline distances. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Scope…

Energy trading: value in volatility?

The statistical distribution of commodity prices follows a lognormal curve. Increasing volatility will drive up mean prices and increase the value of arbitrage.

…quantified the growing value of diverting flexible LNG contracts to higher value markets on pages 10-13. LNG portfolios are most likely to benefit from rising volatility in the global…

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