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Search results for: “climate model”

  • Nitric acid: production costs?

    Nitric acid: production costs?

    Global production of nitric acid is 60MTpa, in a $25bn pa market, spanning c500 production facilities. This data-file estimates a marginal cost of $350/ton HNO3 and a CO2 intensity averaging 1.8 tons/ton. There are feedback loops where gas shortages could result in fertilizer and metal shortages.

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  • Hydrofluoric acid: the economics?

    Hydrofluoric acid: the economics?

    Hydrogen fluoride is a crucial commodity chemical. This model captures its production from acid-grade fluorspar and sulfuric acid. We think marginal costs are around $1,850/ton, in order to earn a 10% IRR on a production facility costing $4,000/Tpa, while the fully loaded CO2 intensity is around 0.75 tons/ton.

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  • Global energy demand: by region and through 2050?

    Global energy demand: by region and through 2050?

    This model captures global energy demand by region through 2050, rising from 70,000 TWH in 2019-22 to 120,000 MWH in 2050. Demand rises c2% pa. Energy use per global person rises at 1% pa from 9.3 MWH pp pa to 12.6 MWH pp pa. Meeting human civilization’s energy needs is crucial to the energy transition.

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  • Liquefied CO2 carriers: CO2 shipping costs?

    Liquefied CO2 carriers: CO2 shipping costs?

    This model captures the economics of a CO2 carrier, i.e., a large marine vessel, carrying liquefied CO2, at -50ยบC temperature and 6-10 bar pressure, for CCS. A good rule of thumb is seaborne CO2 shipping costs are $8/ton/1,000-miles. Shipping rates of $100k/day yield a 10% IRR on a c$150M tanker.

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  • Cost of capturing CO2 using membranes?

    Cost of capturing CO2 using membranes?

    This economic model captures the costs of capturing CO2 using membranes, with a base case of $50/ton to earn 10% IRRs on early commercial deployments, and a possibility of deflating to $20/ton in next-generation membranes. This requires $50/m2 membranes, with 100-2,500 GPU permeance and 125-200x selectivity.

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  • Silicon carbide: production costs?

    Silicon carbide: production costs?

    This data-file captures the costs of producing different grades of silicon carbide: from materials grade SiC ($1,500/ton marginal cost, 5 tons/ton CO2 intensity) through to SiC wafers that are used in the electronics industry ($30M/ton, 200 tons/ton?). SiC semiconductor remains opaque.

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  • Electrostatic precipitator: costs of particulate removal?

    Electrostatic precipitator: costs of particulate removal?

    Electrostatic precipitator costs can add 0.5 c/kWh onto coal or biomass-fired electricity prices, in order to remove over 99% of the dusts and particulates from exhaust gases. Electrostatic precipitators cost $50/kWe of up-front capex to install. Energy penalties average 0.2%. These systems are also important upstream of CCS plants.

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  • Electric vehicles: motors and magnets?

    Electric vehicles: motors and magnets?

    This data-file assesses electric vehicle magnets, permanent magnets and the use of Rare Earth materials such as neodymium (NdFeB). 80-90% of recent EVs have used Rare Earth permanent magnets, averaging 1.5 kg per vehicle, or 7.5g/kW of drive-train power, across the data-file. But the numbers vary vastly. From 0-4 kg per vehicle. 20 vehicles from…

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  • Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting flexes electrical loads in a power grid, to smooth volatility and absorb more renewables. This database scores technical potential and economical potential of different electricity-consuming processes to shift demand, across materials, manufacturing, industrial heat, transportation, utilities, residential HVAC and commercial loads.

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  • Gas fractionation: NGL economics?

    Gas fractionation: NGL economics?

    Gas fractionation separates out methane from NGLs such as ethane, propane and butane. A full separation uses up almost 1% of the input gas energy and 4% of the NGL energy. The costs of gas fractionation require a gas processing spread of $0.7/mcf for a 10% IRR off $2/mcf input gas, or in turn, an…

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