Search Results for: climate model

Diesel power generation: levelized costs?

Levelized costs of diesel power generation

…oil products to the facility. Levelized costs of diesel power generation can be stress-tested in this economic model. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart A diesel genset includes an engine, power…

Internet energy consumption: data, models, forecasts?

Energy consumption of the internet by source up to 2050

…energy consumption of AI, plus blockchains, rising traffic, and offset by rising efficiency. Input assumptions to the model can be flexed. Underlying data are from technical papers. $699.00 – Purchase Checkout Added…

Polyurethane: production costs?

Polyurethane production costs are estimated at $2.5-3.0/kg in our base case model, which looks line-by-line across the inputs and outputs, of a complex, twenty stage production process, which ultimately yields…

Gas peaker plants: the economics?

Economic returns for a gas peaker plant over 30 years.

…of the time, even assuming non-perfect alignment between generation profiles and peak pricing. This can be flexed in the model, and is informed by actual data in ERCOT, CAISO, the…

Global uranium supply-demand?

Uranium yellow-cake (U3-8) supply by project type from 2010 to 2023 and forward estimates to 2050 based on current project and asset lifetimes.

Our global uranium supply-demand model sees the market 5% under-supplied through 2030, including 7% market deficits at peak in 2025, as demand ramps from 165M lbs pa to 230M lbs…

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