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Search results for: “pipelines”

  • Metals and materials: strength and temperature resistance?

    Metals and materials: strength and temperature resistance?

    This data-file aggregates information into the strength, temperature resistance, rigidity, costs and CO2 intensities of important metals and materials. These are used in gas turbines, wind turbines, pipelines, CCS, power transmission.

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  • Moving targets: molecules, electrons or bits ?!

    Moving targets: molecules, electrons or bits ?!

    New AI data-centers are facing bottlenecked power grids. Hence this 15-page note compares the costs of constructing new power lines, gas pipelines or fiber optic links for GW-scale computing. The latter is best. Latency is a non-issue. Thus AI reshapes the future of US shale, midstream and fiber-optics?

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  • Global energy demand by end use?

    Global energy demand by end use?

    This data-file is a breakdown of global energy demand by end use, drawing across our entire research library, to disaggregate the global energy system across almost 50 applications, across transportation, heat, electricity, materials and manufacturing. Numbers, calculations, efficiencies and heating temperatures are in the data-file.

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  • US electric utilities: transmission and distribution costs?

    US electric utilities: transmission and distribution costs?

    This data-file evaluates transmission and distribution costs, averaging 7c/kWh in 2024, based on granular disclosures for 200 regulated US electric utilities, which sell 65% of the US’s total electricity to 110M residential and commercial customers. Costs have doubled since 2005. Which utilities have rising rate bases and efficiently low opex?

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  • Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.

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  • Gold hydrogen: the economics?

    Gold hydrogen: the economics?

    Natural hydrogen could be recovered from the Earth’s subsurface, with costs ranging from $0.3-10/kg, and CO2 intensities of 0.2-5.0 kg/kg. This data-file models the economic costs of gold hydrogen, and its sub-variants such as white hydrogen and orange hydrogen.

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  • Semiconductors: outlook in energy transition?

    Semiconductors: outlook in energy transition?

    Semiconductors are an energy technology. And they are transforming the future global energy complex, across AI, solar, electric vehicles, LEDs and other new energies. This short article summarizes our outlook for semiconductors in energy transition, and resultant opportunities across our work.

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  • Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting: electrical flexibility by industry?

    Demand shifting flexes electrical loads in a power grid, to smooth volatility and absorb more renewables. This database scores technical potential and economical potential of different electricity-consuming processes to shift demand, across materials, manufacturing, industrial heat, transportation, utilities, residential HVAC and commercial loads.

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  • CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    This data-file tabulates the energy intensity and CO2 intensity of materials, in tons/ton of CO2, kWh/ton of electricity and kWh/ton of total energy use per ton of material. The build-ups are based on 160 economic models that we have constructed to date, and simply intended as a helpful summary reference. Our key conclusions on CO2…

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  • Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

    Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) prevents CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Options include the amine process, blue hydrogen, novel combustion technologies and cutting edge sorbents and membranes. Total CCS costs range from $80-130/ton, while blue value chains seem to be accelerating rapidly in the US. This article summarizes the top conclusions from our carbon capture…

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Energy Units — An Overview

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