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Search results for: “renewables”

  • Pumped hydro: generation profile?

    Pumped hydro: generation profile?

    Pumped hydro facilities can provide long-duration storage, but the utilization rate is low, and thus the costs are high, according to today’s case study within the Snowy hydro complex in Australia. Tumut-3 can store energy for weeks-months, then generate 1.8 GW for 40+ hours, but it is only charging/dischaging at 12% of its nameplate capacity.

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  • Global energy market model for the energy transition?

    Global energy market model for the energy transition?

    This data-file is a global energy market model for the energy transition. It contains long-term energy supply-demand forecasts by energy source; based on a dozen core input assumptions. Total useful energy consumed by human civilization rises from 80,000 TWH pa to 140,000 TWH pa by 2050. The mix is 30% gas, 30% solar, 15% oil,…

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  • Portfolio Construction for Energy Majors?

    Portfolio Construction for Energy Majors?

    This data-model calculates risk-adjusted returns for different portfolio weightings in the energy sector, as companies diversify across upstream, downstream, chemicals, corporate; and increasingly, renewables and CCS. A set of optimal portfolio allocations are calculated, which maximise Sharpe ratios. You can also stress-test your own inputs.

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  • Variable Power Tariffs Exacerbate Social Inequalities?

    Variable Power Tariffs Exacerbate Social Inequalities?

    This data-file tabulates the impacts of variable electricity tariffs, after a large-scale US sample. Demand is inelastic, falling just 1% for a 20% price-increase. However, socially “vulnerable” consumers suffered disproportionately, with bills rising 4% more than non-vulnerable consumers.

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  • Energy infrastructure: labor intensity?

    Energy infrastructure: labor intensity?

    How many jobs are created by different types of energy? This data-file aggregates the labor intensity of different energy sources, which average 50-150 workers per TWH, on an ongoing basis. Another rough rule of thumb is that each $1bn of capex requires 1,000 peak constructon workers, although some project categories are materially more labor intensive…

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  • Land intensity of energy transition: acres per MW and per ton?

    Land intensity of energy transition: acres per MW and per ton?

    This data-file compares the land intensity of energy technologies and energy transition technologies. Land use is estimated in acres per MW of power generation, or in tons of CO2-equivalents abated per acre per year. Numbers vary by an order of magnitude. Data are sourced from technical papers and our broader work.

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  • Vertical greenhouses: the economics?

    Vertical greenhouses: the economics?

    This data-file models the economics of vertical greenhouses, for growing greens, fruits and vegetables close to the consumer, in large multi-story facilities, lit by LED lighting. Our base case yields 10% IRRs off $1.25k/m2 capex and 50kg/m2/year yields. CO2 intensity depends heavily upon the CO2 intensity of the underlying grid.

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  • Electric arc furnaces for lower-carbon steel production?

    Electric arc furnaces for lower-carbon steel production?

    Electric arc furnaces generate enormous amounts of heat to recycle scrap steel, with 85% lower CO2 emissions than primary steel production. Our base case model yields a 15% IRR at $475/ton steel prices and a 10c/kWh power price. However, IRRs could be uplifted 2-6pp by integrating with renewables.

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  • Data-centers: electricity use and demand shifting?

    Data-centers: electricity use and demand shifting?

    This data-file estimates data-centers’ electricity use and ability to demand shift. Large data centers how power demand in the range of 50-500MW. Around 40% of their electrical loads can demand shift, to help smooth out the volatility of renewables?

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  • Copper: global demand forecasts?

    Copper: global demand forecasts?

    This data-file estimates global copper demand as part of the energy transition, rising from 28MTpa in 2022 to 70MTpa in our base case scenario. The largest contributor is the electrification of transport. You can stress test half-a-dozen key input variables in the model.

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