Search results for: “renewables”
Pumped hydro: generation profile?
Pumped hydro facilities can provide long-duration storage, but the utilization rate is low, and thus the costs are high, according to today’s case study within the Snowy hydro complex in Australia. Tumut-3 can store energy for weeks-months, then generate 1.8 GW for 40+ hours, but it is only charging/dischaging at 12% of its nameplate capacity.
Global energy market model for the energy transition?
This data-file is a global energy market model for the energy transition. It contains long-term energy supply-demand forecasts by energy source; based on a dozen core input assumptions. Total useful energy consumed by human civilization rises from 80,000 TWH pa to 140,000 TWH pa by 2050. The mix is 30% gas, 30% solar, 15% oil,…
Portfolio Construction for Energy Majors?
This data-model calculates risk-adjusted returns for different portfolio weightings in the energy sector, as companies diversify across upstream, downstream, chemicals, corporate; and increasingly, renewables and CCS. A set of optimal portfolio allocations are calculated, which maximise Sharpe ratios. You can also stress-test your own inputs.
Variable Power Tariffs Exacerbate Social Inequalities?
This data-file tabulates the impacts of variable electricity tariffs, after a large-scale US sample. Demand is inelastic, falling just 1% for a 20% price-increase. However, socially “vulnerable” consumers suffered disproportionately, with bills rising 4% more than non-vulnerable consumers.
Energy infrastructure: labor intensity?
How many jobs are created by different types of energy? This data-file aggregates the labor intensity of different energy sources, which average 50-150 workers per TWH, on an ongoing basis. Another rough rule of thumb is that each $1bn of capex requires 1,000 peak constructon workers, although some project categories are materially more labor intensive…
Land intensity of energy transition: acres per MW and per ton?
This data-file compares the land intensity of energy technologies and energy transition technologies. Land use is estimated in acres per MW of power generation, or in tons of CO2-equivalents abated per acre per year. Numbers vary by an order of magnitude. Data are sourced from technical papers and our broader work.
Vertical greenhouses: the economics?
This data-file models the economics of vertical greenhouses, for growing greens, fruits and vegetables close to the consumer, in large multi-story facilities, lit by LED lighting. Our base case yields 10% IRRs off $1.25k/m2 capex and 50kg/m2/year yields. CO2 intensity depends heavily upon the CO2 intensity of the underlying grid.
Data-centers: electricity use and demand shifting?
This data-file estimates data-centers’ electricity use and ability to demand shift. Large data centers how power demand in the range of 50-500MW. Around 40% of their electrical loads can demand shift, to help smooth out the volatility of renewables?
Content by Category
- Batteries (85)
- Biofuels (42)
- Carbon Intensity (49)
- CCS (63)
- CO2 Removals (9)
- Coal (36)
- Company Diligence (87)
- Data Models (799)
- Decarbonization (156)
- Demand (105)
- Digital (51)
- Downstream (44)
- Economic Model (196)
- Energy Efficiency (75)
- Hydrogen (63)
- Industry Data (264)
- LNG (48)
- Materials (79)
- Metals (70)
- Midstream (43)
- Natural Gas (144)
- Nature (75)
- Nuclear (22)
- Oil (161)
- Patents (38)
- Plastics (44)
- Power Grids (118)
- Renewables (147)
- Screen (108)
- Semiconductors (30)
- Shale (50)
- Solar (67)
- Supply-Demand (45)
- Vehicles (90)
- Wind (40)
- Written Research (338)