Search Results for: shale

US shale: outlook and forecasts?

US shale production forecasts by basin

…on higher oil prices. Our shale outlook is also summarized below. $899.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart What outlook for shale in energy transition? Shale is a technology paradigm where well…

European shale: an overview?

Overview of European shale

Overview of European shale. Europe has 15 TCM of technically recoverable shale gas resources according to an assessment from the EIA in 2013, which remains the best overview, almost ten…

Wet sand: what impacts on shale breakevens and CO2?

wet sand for hydraulic fracturing in shale play

…water to cultivate nature based solutions (also below). Shale thus sets the marginal cost in oil markets, as our numbers require of 2.5Mbpd of shale growth each year…

US shale gas: the economics?

Economics of US Marcellus shale gas production

…oil on shale oil (model here) or at $2.8/mcf on shale gas. We think 100bn bbls of recoverable shale resources remain in the US and ultimately, liquids production could be…

Shale: Upgrade to Fiber?

DAS Quest for Idealized Completion

Completing a shale well depends on over 40 variables. Each one can be optimised using data. It follows that next-generation data will deliver next-generation shale productivity. Hence our new, 25-page…

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