Thermal energy storage: cost model?

…require proportionately more storage material, larger tanks, and more insulation. But other lines in the capex build up do not change, and hence these costs deflate in MWH-terms. The round-trip…

Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

Hydrogen peroxide production costs

…such as propylene oxide for polyurethane insulation/EVs and for etching semiconductors. Hydrogen peroxide production costs? This data-file estimates the economic costs of producing hydrogen peroxide, at $1,000/ton per ton of…

Average home sizes: living space per person?

Average home sizes

…rebound effect severely challenging the idea of ‘peak energy demand’. Improved living standards, building materials, efficiency, insulation, heating and cooling, will almost invariably result in people choosing to live in…

Hydrofluoric acid: the economics?

costs of hydrofluoric acid production

…in its own right, to etch silicon chips, metals and blow insulation foams. This economic model captures the production of hydrogen fluoride from acid-grade fluorspar and sulfuric acid. We think…

Energy transition from first principles?

…vehicles, LED lighting, VFDs, CHPs, insulation, methane mitigation. Energetic industries from first principles: the internet, industrial gases, hydrogen, ammonia, steel, battery recycling, trucks, transport, compressors. The new age of electricity from first principles: transmission,…

Polyurethanes: what upside in energy transition?


Polyurethanes are elastic polymers, used for insulation, electric vehicles, electronics and apparel. This $75bn pa market expands 3x by 2050. But could energy transition double historically challenging margins, by freeing…

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