Thermodynamics of prime movers: energy from first principles?

…the underlying theory of semiconductors, you will find it deeply uncomfortable to bet against the long-run rise of semiconductors. Electric motors are also…

Energy transition from first principles?

…vehicles, LED lighting, VFDs, CHPs, insulation, methane mitigation. Energetic industries from first principles: the internet, industrial gases, hydrogen, ammonia, steel, battery recycling, trucks, transport, compressors. The new age of electricity from first principles: transmission,…

Global energy demand by end use?

Breakdown of global useful energy demand across 50 categories. The largest are electric motors and residential heat, followed by steel, general manufacturing, and plastics.

…chlor-alkali, coal production, commercial heat, cooking, copper, desalination, electric motors, electrical appliances, glass, graphite, heavy trucks, hydrogen, industrial acids, internet, lighting, lithium batteries, LNG liquefaction, manufacturing, methanol, oil & gas…

Thermoelectrics: leading companies and products?

…sensors, transmitters, actuators, and other devices among the Internet of Things. Larger generators have been used to power space probes via heat from the decay of onboard radioactive material. A…

Data-centers: the economics?

…for a 10% IRR, while an AI data-center in 2024 may need to charge $3M/EFLOP of compute. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Data-centers underpin the rise of the internet and…

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