Search Results for: renewables

Switching gears: the most potent GHG in the world?

SF6 switchgear replacement costs

…to add more than 1-2% to the cost of an overall renewables project. Examples of our research into future renewables costs are linked below. Again, we…

Wind and solar: curtailments over time?

Wind and solar curtailments

…main reason for curtailment is bottlenecks in the grid — i.e., moving renewables from points of generation, to points of unmet demand — rather than renewables having saturated total grid…

Manufacturing utilization rates by industry?

industrial utilization rates over time

…of energy consumption. Falling utilization rates also underpin a levelized cost paradox for renewables. Our favorite method to backstop the volatility of renewables is via demand shifting, which will help…

Reserve margins: by ISO and over time?

…intercorrelation of renewables, and especially as renewables get built out, this may turn out to be too high. The underlying source of the data is from NERC’s annual long-term reliability…

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