MIRALON: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

MIRALON technology

…the carbon nanotube product and regenerating the catalyst. MIRALON fibers are 1mm long, 3-15nm wide, 25x stronger than steel, with similar performance characteristics to carbon fiber (similar strength, higher flexibility,…

Electrical conductivity: energy transition materials?

Electrical conductivity energy transition materials

…above, because they are primarily selected for their ability to intercalate lithium ions and promote battery energy density. Electrical grade steel is another 3x more resistive again versus battery metals….

Cross laminated timber: costs and economics?

Economic costs of producing cross laminated timber to decarbonize construction

…readily used construction material amidst the energy transition, with sufficient strength to build 40-80 story skyscrapers, yet 80% lower CO2 intensity than walls comprising steel and cement, while also providing…

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