MIRALON: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

MIRALON technology

…1 ton/ton), which should open up access to $1/kg of 45V incentives under the IRA. Future formulations derived from gas that would otherwise have been flared, landfill gas or biogas

Verdox: DAC technology breakthrough?

Verdox DAC technology

…$20M in Verdox (as the off-gas from aluminium smelters has 1% CO2). Electrochemical DAC allows gas to flow through an electrochemical cell with low resistance, adsorbs CO2 by applying a…

Renewable-heavy grids: dividing the pie?

Renewable-heavy grids

…explores the distinction. It suggests renewables will peak at 30-60% of power grids? And gas is well-placed as a back-up, set to surprise, by entrenching at 30-50% of renewables-heavy grids?…

Global solar: absorption spectrum?

Historic and future solar capacity growth as percentage of total electricity demand growth for different regions

…is the LCOE of constructing new solar versus the LCOE of constructing new wind, hydro, nuclear, gas, coal, biomass, diesel gensets and geothermal (as discussed on page 3). However, when solar growth starts exceeding total electricity demand growth,…

Global energy demand by end use?

Breakdown of global useful energy demand across 50 categories. The largest are electric motors and residential heat, followed by steel, general manufacturing, and plastics.

…oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, wind and solar, biomass and other. A breakdown of global energy demand is more challenging. But we have slowly been building up a library of…

Generac: power generation products?

Cost per kW of Generac product suite as a function of the generators' capacities. Different fuel types are in different colours.

…larger industrial generators range from 100kW to 2MW in size. Generac’s diesel-fired units cost $500/kW and are c30% efficient, while its larger gas-fired units cost $700/kW and are c25% efficient….

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