Search Results for: energy density

Energy Technologies and Energy Transition

energy technologies and energy transition

…What Oil Price is best for an energy transition? (April-2020, 15-pages) TRLs: When does technology get exciting? (May-2019, online) Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change Nature based solutions include…

Energy transition: investment strategies?

Energy transition investing

…paid to take? Are you getting paid enough? Or worse, are you exposed to risk for which you are not getting paid at all? Energy Transition: ten risk premia?…

Sitka spruce: our top ten facts?

sitka spruce benefits

…for nature-based carbon removals in the energy transition, creating direct opportunities in the forestry value chain, through to indirect opportunities in equities (notes below). On a personal…

Enovix: battery breakthrough?

Enovix technology breakthrough

Enovix has developed a 3D silicon lithium-ion battery, which is 5-years ahead of the broader industry, with 2x higher energy density, around 900Wh/liter. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Specifically, silicon…

Industrial materials: thermodynamic efficiency?

thermodynamic efficiency of materials

… Conclusion #4: beware hydrogen hubris? One of the more surprising bars in our charts is over green hydrogen, where many forecasters are hoping that future value chains…

Bio-coke: energy economics?

Bio-coke energy economics

…competitive on our roadmap to net zero. However, bio-cokes are not directly comparable with coal-cokes. For example, bio-cokes might have an energy density above 5,000 kWh/ton and “fixed carbon” of…

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