Search Results for: energy density

Direct air capture of CO2: the economics?

direct air capture of CO2

…excellent technical disclosures from Carbon Engineering, which we have aggregated and somewhat generously de-risked. Our data-file includes a full breakdown of the capital costs and the energy associated with each…

Green hydrogen: the economics?

costs of green hydrogen production

This data-file models the economics and costs of green hydrogen production via the electrolysis of water, powered by renewable energy. IRRs and NPVs are calculated incorporating our best estimates of…

District heating: the economics?

Annual economics of a district heating project with cash flow per household and the distribution of heating cost to maintenance, income, tax, etc.

…10% IRR at 10c/kWh retail heating price. On average, distributing waste heat to consumers costs about 5c/kWh but can be readily combined with geothermal energy systems and thermal energy storage…

Nuclear Power Project Economics

costs of nuclear power

…the world’s electricity and around c4% of the world’s total energy supply. Nuclear’s share of global electricity demand peaked at 17.5% in 1996 and has since lost share. The historical…

Manufacturing utilization rates by industry?

industrial utilization rates over time

…of global energy consumption by 2050, on our models for a fully decarbonized energy system. This is a vast achievement. But many commentators ask why renewables’ share is not higher….

US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline?

Gas volumes transported in US gas pipelines as a function of their length in miles. Longer pipelines also transfer significantly more gas.

…transmission line is Williams’s Transco, which carries c15% of the nation’s gas from the Gulf Coast to New York. The longest US gas transmission line is Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s Northern…

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