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Search results for: “shale”

  • Flare gas capture: the economics?

    Flare gas capture: the economics?

    c150bcm of gas was flared globally in 2019. This data-file simplifies the economics of capturing flare gas. Generally, double-digit IRRs are achievable at large new shale pads. But costs are more challenging at smaller sites, remote pads or for contaminated gas. Carbon prices would dramatically improve economics. A $100/ton CO2 price could potentially eliminate US…

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  • Oil: what happens when you defer or curtail production?

    Oil: what happens when you defer or curtail production?

    The aim of this data-file is to tabulate technical papers into production deferrals at oil and gas fields. The impact depends on the reservoir type, but generally we expect shut-ins during the 2020 COVID crisis will lower effective production capacity. Shale and Middle East producers could be relatively better placed.

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  • Patent Leaders in Energy

    Patent Leaders in Energy

    Technology leadership is crucial in energy. But it is difficult to discern. Hence, we reviewed 3,000 patents across the 25 largest companies. This note ranks the industryโ€™s โ€œTop 10 technology-leadersโ€: in upstream, offshore, deep-water, shale, LNG, gas-marketing, downstream, chemicals, digital and renewables. In each case, we profile the leading company, its edge and the proximity…

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  • Decline Rates: the consensus?

    Decline Rates: the consensus?

    Global decline rates are currently seen at 5.2% pa in 2020-25, according to our survey. This is lower than historical consensus of 5.7%. Although shale is a headwind, it may be offset by the rise of new digital and offshore technologies. Hence modestly more participants see 2020-25 oil markets as over-supplied.ย 

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  • Oil markets: in the balance? (1Q21)

    Oil markets: in the balance? (1Q21)

    Devastating oil under-supplies look less likely on our latest numbers. For 2021, our prior outlook for -3Mbpd under-supply softens to -0.6Mbpd due to lower demand and stronger US/Canada output. Out to 2025, $60-70/bbl oil suffices to balance oil markets, while higher prices could draw in 4Mbpd more shale and Saudi oil.

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  • Global coal supply-demand: outlook in energy transition?

    Global coal supply-demand: outlook in energy transition?

    Global coal use likely hit a new all-time peak of 8.8GTpa in 2024, of which 7.6GTpa is thermal coal and 1.1GTpa is metallurgical. The largest consumers are China (5GTpa), India (1.3GTpa), other Asia (1.2GTpa), Europe (0.4GTpa) and the US (0.4GTpa). This model presents our forecasts for global coal supply-demand from 1990 to 2050.

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  • LNG in transport: scaling up by scaling down?

    LNG in transport: scaling up by scaling down?

    Next-generation technology in small-scale LNG has potential to reshape the global shipping-fuels industry. Especially after IMO 2020 sulphur regulations, LNG should compete with diesel. This note outlines the technologies, economics and opportunities for LNG as a transport fuel.

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  • Flaring reduction: fire extinguishers?

    Flaring reduction: fire extinguishers?

    Controversies over oil industry flaring are re-accelerating, especially due to the methane slip from flares, now feared as high as 8% globally. The skew entails that more CO2e could be emitted in producing low quality barrels (Scope 1) than in consuming high quality barrels (Scope 3). Environmental impacts are preventable. This 10-page note explores how,…

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  • Why the Thunder Said?

    This 8-page report outlines the ‘four goals’ of Thunder Said Energy; and how we hope we can help your process…

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  • US CO2 and Methane Intensity by Basin

    US CO2 and Methane Intensity by Basin

    The CO2 intensity of oil and gas production is tabulated for 425 distinct company positions across 12 distinct US onshore basins in this data-file. Using theย data, we can aggregate the total upstream CO2 intensity in (kg/boe), methane leakage rates (%) and flaring intensity (in mcf/boe), by company, by basin and across the US Lower 48.

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