Search Results for: shale

Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

shale-EOR (note here). CO2 utilization aims to make valuable use of the CO2 molecules rather than simply pumping them into the ground. Enhancing the concentration of CO2 in greenhouses can…

Global oil production by country?

Global oil production by country over time in Mbpd, correlates heavily with Brent crude oil prices in $/bbl

…past 20-years, matching the trend in global oil demand by country. The largest increases in oil production have come from the United States (+0.6Mbpd/year, due to US shale growth), Iraq…

Decline Rates: the consensus?

market expectations for global decline rates

…past decline rates, of 5.7%. Although the rise of shale is seen increasing global decline rates, this is apparently being outweighed by the rise of digital technologies and offshore innovations….

The Ascent of LNG?

LNG demand the bull case

…and their CO2 content, downloadable here. Our positive outlook on US LNG is further underpinned by our positive outlook on US shale. Conclusions: path dependency? The numbers above are not…

Oil markets: meltdown?

oil rout in 2020

…year, denting oil to $30/bbl, and halving the US rig count. A 1Mbpd YoY shale curtailment by April 2021 brings the market back into balance by 2022. But there is…

Oil markets: the aftermath?

oil markets outlook

…suggest an 85% chance of under-supplied markets from mid-2021 onwards, following the loss of 4.5Mbpd of shale growth and c3Mbpd of greenfield growth. This 4-page note argues it is not…

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