Search Results for: small scale LNG

Hillcrest: ZVS inverter breakthrough?

Hillcrest Technology Review

…dial up the switching frequency to the max? Switches incur a small power loss every time they switch on and switch off. The reason is that when the switch is…

Blue ammonia projects: a screen?

Blue ammonia projects

…past projects, going back to 1982, have produced blue-ish or blue-grey ammonia. However, the average of these projects is small (0.3MTpa) and only captures c50% of the CO2 released from…

Nature based solutions to climate change?

…photosynthesis fixes 700GTpa of CO2, compared to anthropogenic CO2 emissions of 50GTpa, so small changes in the natural carbon cycle can have large impacts. (2) What are CO2 removals? Land…

Acetylene: production costs?

…highly variable, with different commentators reaching starkly different numbers. One reason is that many integrated petrochemical facilities produce their own acetylene on site, and only a small share of production…

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