Search Results for: shortage crisis

Energy crises: an overview from history?

Energy transition themes for 2022

This data-file tabulates the key features of a dozen energy crisis, caused by shortages of coal, oil, gas or electricity, since the start of the twentieth century; including the 1973-74…

How do commodities perform during recessions?

How do commodities perform in recessions?

…-23% peak-to-trough, but in two-thirds of the recessions, energy prices continued spiking for an average of 6-months after the recession started, suggesting that energy shortages were a cause. Gold is…

Manufacturing utilization rates by industry?

industrial utilization rates over time

…rates of different industries over time, based on a variety of data sources. Average US manufacturing utilization rates ran at almost 80% prior to the COVID crisis, to sustain c10-20%…

Electric vehicles: motors and magnets?

Electric vehicle magnets

…in Rare Earth metals production, while in times of shortage, OEMs will sacrifice efficiency by thrifting out bottlenecked materials and relying on induction or electromagnetic machines. For more details, please…

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