Search Results for: transmission

Power transmission: raising electrical potential?

HVDCs in energy transition

Electricity transmission matters in the energy transition, integrating dispersed renewables over long distances to reach growing demand centers. This 15-page note argues future transmission needs will favor large HVDCs, costing…

HVDC power transmission: the economics?

HVDC costs

…$499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart HVDCs are increasingly important, as we see power transmission capex rising 4x in our roadmap to net zero. HVDC costs and round-trip efficiencies can also…

Energy Transition Research

…can be stress-tested in the data-file. Download the Model? Power transmission: the economics? This data-file captures the costs of AC power transmission, requiring a 1.5c/kWh spread to earn a 10%…

New Energies Research

…conductors versus ACSR on dimensions such as tensile strength, performance and costs, and also screens leading companies. Download US electric utilities: transmission and distribution costs? This data-file evaluates transmission and…

Power grids: opportunities in the energy transition?

power grid opportunities in the energy transition

…suppliers? Our overview of how power transmission works is here. Operating data for high voltage transmission cables are here. Leading US transmission and distribution utilities are screened here. Leading companies…

Renewables: how much time to connect to the grid?

time to connect to the grid

…required to fund new power transmission infrastructure, before they are allowed to interconnect, usually costing $100-300/kW, but sometimes costing as much as the renewables projects themselves (data here). If there…

Industry Research

…as a helpful summary reference. Our key conclusions on CO2 intensity of materials are below. Download US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline? This data-file aggregates granular data into…

Power cables: carrying capacity and loss rates?

Breakdown of losses in conductors. Increasing the current also increases losses, while increasing voltage or conductor cross-section will decrease losses.

…they are also 70% lighter and stronger, which in turn explains why overhead transmission lines will use aluminium cabling instead of copper (full research note on power transmission and minimizing line…

Energy intensity of fiber optic cables?

Energy intensity of fiber optic cables

…hops, spanning 800km and requires an average of 0.05 Wh/GB/km. Generally, long-distance transmission is 1-2 orders of magnitude more energy efficient than short-distance. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart An optical…

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