Residential energy consumption over time?

…other hand, new categories of demand, such as air conditioning and other appliances, have more than offset the efficiency improvements in individual devices such as refrigerators. Heating demand for houses…

Average home sizes: living space per person?

Average home sizes

Average home sizes matter for overall residential energy demand, heating and cooling demand. Hence the purpose of this data-file is to aggregate average home sizes by country, then translate the…

Global population and GDP breakdown by country?

…energy demand, plastics demand, steel demand, EV adoption and other commodities. Hence this data-file contains the key inputs, across the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, LatAM, China, India, other Asia…

Air conditioning: energy consumption?

…of temperatures, humidity, heating days, household size, insulation and coefficient of performance (COP). What routes to lower the AC energy demand and CO2 emissions? $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The…

Energy Economics of e-Scooters

economics of electric scooters

…The data-file includes: $799.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Our projections of the oil demand destroyed by scooters Our projections of the electricity demand created by scooters Number of US travel-trips…

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