Search Results for: energy density

Solar: energy payback and embedded energy?

Energy payback of solar

…a position of energy surplus. Please download the data-file to stress test our numbers around the embedded energy needed to construct a solar project, and the energy payback of solar….

Power grids: opportunities in the energy transition?

power grid opportunities in the energy transition

This article summarizes our conclusions into power grids and power electronics, across all of Thunder Said Energy’s research. Where are the best power grid opportunities in the energy transition? Power…

Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

Global recycling energy savings

…category-by-category. In the energy transition, we estimate global CO2 savings from recycling are already around 2GTpa. Rising energy and CO2 prices would incentivize more recycling, and save another 2GTpa of…

Global energy demand by end use?

Breakdown of global useful energy demand across 50 categories. The largest are electric motors and residential heat, followed by steel, general manufacturing, and plastics.

…Useful global energy demand (net of efficiency losses) runs at 80,000 TWH pa. Per our global energy supply models, it is relatively easy to disaggregate energy supply, by summing across…

Global energy: supply-demand model?

global energy supply-demand

…pulled to resolve under-supply in our global energy supply-demand balance. In 2023, we think economic weakness will mask energy under-supply, mute energy prices, and lure many decision makers into looking…

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