Wind volatility: second by second output data?

Second by second volatility of wind power

…90% of that previous 10-minute average power output. The average power drop is the average reduction in power output during the duration of the power drop, compared to the prior…

MOSFETs: energy use and power loss calculator?

…Formulae for the losses in a power MOSFET? This data-file aims to calculate the power losses of a power MOSFET from first principles, covering I2R conduction losses, voltage drops across…

UK grid volatility as renewables gain share?

UK grid volatility

This data-file contains the output from some enormous data-pulls, evaluating UK grid power generation by source, its volatility, and the relationship to hourly traded power prices. We conclude the grid…

Solar volatility: second by second output data?

Second by second volatility of solar

…the power drops due to the sun setting. Then we aggregated all of the second-by-second volatility and power drops. The typical second-by-second volatility of solar power is surprisingly high, with…

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